Website Monitoring & Error Tracking for Laravel applications

Realistically, all websites will have issues at some point. Sorane helps you catch them quickly and fix them before they affect your users.

Takes 1 minute to get started.
No credit card required. Cancel anytime.

Trusted by websites and developers like you

Websites being monitored
Errors detected
Sleep better at night

Don't worry about website issues anymore

You can focus on the things you love, knowing that we've got your back.

  • No more unnoticed errors — know what's wrong the moment it happens
  • No more guessing — complete website oversight at your fingertips
  • Takes just 1 minute to setup — for lasting peace of mind
Everything you need

Monitor your application and get notified when something goes wrong

Website Monitoring Illustration

Website Monitoring

Monitor your website for Up-time, Performance, Certificate status, Domain status, DNS changes, Lighthouse scores, and Broken Links.

Notifications Illustration


Sorane will notify you when something needs your attention. Choose where and how you want to be notified.

Status Pages Illustration

Status Pages

Keep your users informed about the status of your website, via your dedicated status page.

Error Tracking Illustration

Error Tracking

Your application will have issues at some point — things break, and errors happen. Be sure to know about them when they do, and fix them before they become a problem for your users.

No complicated setup

Super easy to use

It really only takes a few minutes to get started. We'll take it from there.

Enter your website URL

Simply enter the URL of your website or application. Website monitoring will start right away.

Install Sorane in your application

composer require usesorane/sorane-laravel

Route error reports to Sorane

The reporter sends error data to Sorane. Add the reporter to the withExceptions method in your bootstrap/app.php file.
->withExceptions(function (Exceptions $exceptions) {

Add your API key to the .env file


That's it!

You're all set! You'll now receive a notification the moment an issue arises.

Frequently asked questions

It takes only one minute to get started

Start monitoring your Laravel applications today

Websites will go down, and errors will happen. With Sorane, you are sure to catch any errors and performance issues the moment they happen.

Takes 1 minute to get started.
No credit card required. Cancel anytime.